Video 2024年2月7日

Turn green 能源 market risks into opportunities

We’ve all become familiar with ‘unprecedented’ times. And when it comes to the 能源 market, it’s the best way to describe the volatility we’ve been seeing. Even now, we’re only just starting to return to normal.

为背景, the maximum price increase for 能源 in 17 years was around 60 units, while last September saw a staggering 400-unit price range. And navigating through this can be overwhelming.

Embracing renewable 能源

Should your organisation use solar 能源 and other renewable sources as part of your on-site 能源 supply? 一句话,是的. Traditional 能源 sources are no longer the most cost-effective option. The great news is that using on-site renewable 能源, 比如太阳能, can help balance changing 能源 costs.

在Mitie, we’re helping organisations create robust 能源 plans in response to the ongoing 能源 crisis. This often includes moving from fixed to flexible purchases, looking into corporate power purchase agreements (PPAs), and setting up on-site 能源 facilities. 通过这样做, we’re helping them to meet their compliance obligations and decarbonisation targets.

Transforming risks into opportunities

By using renewable 能源, organisations can transform market risks into huge opportunities. A long-term 能源 plan can support their environmental, social and governance (环境、社会和治理) targets as well as help them deal with the 变化中的能源市场.

But what happens if organisations don’t act now? Well, they’ll just have to accept the market prices without much control over their path.


稳健的长期计划 that meets their needs are already thriving. We’re supporting companies to not only meet their compliance obligations but turn them into opportunities. Successful companies are looking at the bigger picture and adjusting, using new and creative ways to manage their 能源 supply, lower costs and make a positive environmental impact.

There’s never been a better time to embrace renewable 能源 and protect your organisation’s future. 那么,为什么要等待呢?? Act now, and let’s navigate these unprecedented times together.

的见解 from Elliot Bermudez-Galton, Head of Energy Advisory and Risk Management at Mitie.

